Welcome to GreekIVF!

Hey there!

My name’s Sandra — I’m the accidental founder of GreekIVF.com and not long ago, I was sitting in the exact same place as you…

…hunting for info, desperately looking for reviews, trying to sift through all the marketing talk plastered across the internet, and just wanting help.

Well, help didn’t come.

After feeling completely deflated by the lack of good information online, I decided to put my training as a financial analyst to work.

I carried out insanely detailed reviews of over 140 IVF clinics across Europe; hundreds of hours, thousands of data points, and so many damn consultations.

The result: One massive spreadsheet and more details on the IVF industry in Europe than anyone would ever need.

Of course, it also resulted in me being able to rank every single clinic, break down their weaknesses, and achieve my ultimate goal…

Find the best IVF clinic in Europe!

But, what surprised me is that one clinic in Greece (that you probably haven’t heard of) beat out ALL of the competition.

So, naturally, that’s where I decided to go.

Want the juicy details?

Well, I’m going to be sharing all of my research here on GreekIVF.com soon enough.

Until then, I share ALL of my insights and experience in a private forum – including how to get in touch with the ONE clinic that beat out everyone else. 

This is a closed group of amazing people going through IVF in Greece. We’re there to support you, provide insights, and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes we did. 

We don’t accept marketers, clinic staff, or doctors. It’s a safe space where you can ask REAL questions and (more importantly) get REAL answers!

Here’s the best part… it’s 100% free to join.

If you want in, or you just want to ask a question, email me at info@greekivf.com!

And no matter where you choose to undergo IVF, I wish you the best of luck on this journey.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Founder, GreekIVF.com
